
six years due date . not expired yet . ;D

huuu . what to say n how to start ek . errr,, k . lets take bout gigirl n a boboy . STORY TELLING TIME ! ;D . boboy ngan gigirl ni dah 6 years tak jumpe tau . diorg lost kontex about a few years then get to find each other back in FACEBOOK ! OMG . huhu . pastu bile da dapat kontex balik budak dua org ni memang always kate nak jumpe n lastly they met each other when boboy join his fren for his wedding at sarawak . JUMPE BALIK ! . giler x hepi si gigirl . sampai x rela nak kasi boboy balik . sampai TERLOUD voice kat escalator mall juz to pujuk boboy not to go back to KL again . haishhh . so pathethic . spemt one day je ngan boboy tuu . one day to cover 6 years they didnt met each other . seem like unbelievable . huuu . what to do . nasib jumpa balik kan . ;D